Learning Process

Today we learn about learning. What is Learning?

Learning is a continuous process happening throughout the life of human beings if a person does not learn anything you can be considered a vegetable this lightning occurs
everywhere but the systemized learning is the price concern of education system education programs like formal non formal and informal education in the developing the learning learning was with education by processing psychological approach does educational psychology scientifically approach the  concept of learning.

Here are the some definitions of Learning

There are many definitions available to define learning but common consensus over the definitions is yet to be arrived at learning can be defined as any relativity permanent change in behaviour that occur as a result of practice or experience.
Gates (1946) the modification in behaviour to meet environmental recruitments.

Gardner Murphy (1968) the term learning covers every modification in behaviour to meet environmental recruitments.

Crow and crow 1973 learning is the the acquisition of habits knowledge and attitude.

Skinner learning is a process of progressive behaviour adaptation.

Baron 1995 learning is any relativity permanent change in behaviour potential, resulting from experience.

Do you know how many types of learning

Learning has been classified by psychologist in many ways depending upon the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains like verbal learning, conceptual learning, attitude learning, perceptual learning etc. Some specific types of learning are presented below:

Motor learning the learning of all types of motor skill may be included in this type of learning learning swimming riding a horse driving a car flying a plane playing the piano hitting a moving target drawing a diagram performing experiments and handling various instruments are example of such learning skills to perform such activities can be acquired through systematic and planned ways learning method and devices.

Perceptual learning: A child get sensation through sense organs while giving meaning to this sensation perception take place it means that object around him a meaningful to him and he perceives them. He launch the name of different object in order to two differentiate them.

Associative learning: New concept are associated with linked with the old concept and knowledge acquire learning.

Conceptual learning: Concept is a generalized idea about think person all event in the form of a mental image the concept of house is a mental image through that throws up the similarities for common properties of all the different houses we know.

Animal learning: Animal learning is a motor learning motor learning is done by action signs and symbols animal learning by motor activities like running, jumping, climbing, eating, drinking etc.

Sensory motor learning: Learning is a sensory motor process sensorimotor learning is a coordinating activity of body sensory organs and physical activities using arms and fingers legs toes and body movements

Attitudinal learning: A child develops certain attitudes towards the living or nonliving things through which learning takes place.

Verbal learning: Learning is mostly verbal the language we speak and the communication devices we use are the product of verbal learning science pictures symbols words figures sounds and voices are employed by the individual as essential instruments for engaging in the process of verbal learning

Discrimination learning: When the child is presented with two or more stimuli which differ in the some detail the child distinguishes the differences this way the child done by discriminating the things or objects.

Learning curves
learning differs from individual to individual one individual runs very effectively while another not learn effectively learning is a measurable behaviour
Learning curve process in learning can be objectively measured and represented graphically which is known as learning curve in learning curve x-axis represents some measures of practice and y-axis loads and measures of proficiency.

Type of learning curve
Learning rate direction of the curve are drawn these learning curves are of four type:

Linear acceleration (straight lines curve):
Discoveries essentially a straight line which shows constant or inform rate of progress in learning.

Positive acceleration (concave curve):
It shows that learning is slow at the start but become faster with the progress of learning time

Negative acceleration (convex curve):
The rate of learning is faster at the start but decreases with progress of learning time.

S shaped curve (concave convex curve):
The rate of learning is combination of both positive and negative accelerated curves does learning depends on rapid of slow initial success followed by a reverse condition in learning.


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